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How to Get Traffic for Your WordPress Website

How to Get Traffic for Your WordPress Website

Creating a website takes time and effort, and you want yours to be noticed. Getting traffic to your website raises brand awareness, nurtures trust, and improves your search engine rankings. This results in increased revenue for your business, and your website’s user engagement and conversion rates improve.

Increased website #traffic also gives you more insight into your audience's needs so you can continue to improve your offerings. Click To Tweet

Getting traffic to your WordPress website is easy if you follow these steps:

Make it easy for search engines to list you

High-quality content on all your pages (including the homepage and product pages) is still the best way to get noticed by search engines. However, this is just the first step. There are a few more steps you need to take to increase the chances of audiences seeing your content.

Firstly, make sure search engines can find and index your site. Do this by turning your privacy settings to PUBLIC.

The next step is to include popular search words and phrases people are using in their search engine queries. Discover these by using keyword tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Semrush. Include the relevant keywords in all your titles, headers, body copy, URLs, and meta descriptions.

Finally, Google uses HTTPS as a ranking signal, so choose it above an HTTP connection. It offers more secure data transfers between the browser and web server.

Know your target audiences

Good content can only be created if you know your target audience or buyer personas. Find out how to create a buyer persona online. You should know who they are (age, occupation, interests, and education level), the problems they are facing, and how you can solve these for them. It is also valuable to know how your target audience prefers to find answers to their questions.

Blogging is a strong traffic driver

Websites that feature blogs as part of their content have a far greater chance of ranking highly on search engines. Offer your audiences good quality blog posts with the type of content they are interested in, and pay attention to the title, intro, and images.

If your content goes viral, it can generate highly targeted traffic to your website.

Link internally

Use your WordPress pages and posts to link to other content on your site. This helps keep your audience engaged with your website, where they can discover more content. The more they read, the more the chances of them sharing your content increase. Therefore, internal links help reduce the bounce rate on your site.

Inline Related Posts is a plugin that helps you add relevant internal links to your content, and it has a social media sharing option.

Optimized speed

Longer load times do not only affect the possibility of visitors abandoning your website, but they also affect your search engine rankings.

Google’s new algorithms will downrank websites that offer poor user experience.

Measure your page speed with Google PageSpeed Insights, and cut back on unnecessary plugins, ads, widgets, multimedia, and external services. There are several other things you can do, and these include optimizing images and caching web pages.

Email lists and returning audiences

Keep your website audiences coming back by using a proactive approach. The best way to do this is to persuade them to leave you their email address giving you direct access to them.

Send email promotions, new products, and other exciting news to your audiences.

Press releases are powerful tools

Business owners are often unaware that press releases offer valuable publicity, improve a website’s SEO, and help establish their brand on the web. Press releases have a small, one-time cost and grow targeted referral traffic.

Press release writing needs to follow a certain form and should always include a storyline, contact information, and your business bio. Press release packages depend on the scale of your business, but they are a valuable tool for WordPress business websites.

Use social media to reach more audiences

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter attract high volumes of daily traffic. Google+ and LinkedIn are also very popular. Their users are very active and like sharing content, so make sure you take advantage of this. Your business should have accounts on some of these, and you can reach larger audiences by sharing posts and pages on these platforms. If you want to get a head start, you can always resort to the best site to buy Instagram followers and likes.

Additionally, include social media sharing options on your website to encourage content sharing. Fuse Social Floating Sidebar is a plugin that allows you to include all the popular social media icons on your WordPress website.

Website performance must be measured

You must keep track of your traffic, user engagement, and keyword rankings. These metrics allow you to identify areas that are doing well and areas where improvement is needed.

Once you know where your problems are, you can immediately concentrate your efforts on providing what your audiences like.

Last Word

These are the most important steps to follow if you are determined to increase traffic to your WordPress website. Not only will your website be faster, more customized, and easier to use, but it will also increase brand awareness and trust for your brand.

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